Even though I was still skeptical after reading Dr. Campbell's article, I decided to give his approach a shot.
The very first time I tried what he suggested, I felt relief.
Not total relief, but enough to make me realize I was finally on the right path.
I kept following his advice twice a day, and each day, the pain started to lessen.
His approach focused on strengthening the plantar fascia.
Something none of my previous treatments had addressed.
Every time you take a step, your plantar fascia stretches and contracts...
This movement is crucial for maintaining the health and strength of the tissue.
But when it is weakened, it cannot withstand much strain so it relies on other muscles, which eventually weakens it even more and destabilizes the entire foot structure.
That's why strengthening your plantar fascia is a great way to relieve plantar fasciitis for good.
But how do you strengthen the fascia?
Traditional methods would suggest that the way to strengthen the plantar fascia is to exercise.
However, moving is the last thing we want to do when every single step feeling like you're walking on broken glass.
let alone exercise.
So… What’s the solution?
That's when I learned about something revolutionary that Dr. Campbell had been working on:
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Technology.