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How I Avoided Knee Surgery and Eliminated Knee Pain in Just 15 Minutes A Day…

Without Invasive Surgery, Expensive Visits to PT, Knee Injections, or Addictive Painkillers.

By Brooke Taylor | Dec 15, 2024 | 11:11 am EDT

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Every night, I wake up to throbbing knee pain.


Every night, I'd reach for the painkillers on my nightstand...


And then I wait…


I wait until the medicine kicks in…


And by that time, I’m fully awake and can’t get back to sleep.

So I lay there and think.


I think about how it’s unfair my life has become as dull as my chronic knee pain.

Ever Since My Retirement, My Achy Knees Made My Life a Nightmare

I had to stop my morning walks with Jane, my best friend.


We used to walk together every day, but now she goes alone.


I used to love gardening in my backyard...


But now, if I get down on my knees, I need help getting back up.


It was so embarrassing that I stopped altogether.


Walking up stairs felt like climbing Mount Everest...


And the worst part?


My husband and I had always dreamed about traveling during retirement.


You know, when the kids are grown up and we finally have time...


Just the two of us.



My Achy Knees Killed This Dream On The Spot

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Not so long ago, John and I celebrated our 40th Anniversary.


We wanted to travel to Italy.


We'd walk the streets of Rome, eat pasta in Florence, and explore the Tuscan countryside...


I knew my knees could be a problem.

I started preparing early.  Just 15 minutes of walking each day to build up my strength.

Maybe I walked a little bit too much…

But one night, I woke up to my knees the size of a baseball.


The pain was unbearable.


We had to cancel the trip.


I was devastated.


I tried everything under the sun to get rid of pain. I was desperate. I wore knee sleeves every day. I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. I went to see a physical therapist.


And even though the swelling went away… The pain stayed. So we canceled the trip.


I was heartbroken.


John, seeing my spirits so low, took matters into his own hands.


One evening, when we were in bed, he told me about his friend who knew this doctor in Chicago.


Dr. Campbell was the best bone doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.


I agreed to go, but deep down, I was afraid my only option would be surgery.

“Avoid The Surgery At All Costs”

These were the exact words Dr. Campbell told us.


What a relief!


He assured me there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate my chronic knee pain within the next 14 days.

“Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

For The First Time In a Long Time, I Felt Hopeful.

“Let me show you something,” Dr. Campbell continued.


He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a weird-looking device.


“I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment.


However, first, you must understand why you have achy joints.


Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table.


I’m different. I want you to know your own body. So let’s take a look.”

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He showed me a diagram of the knee and pointed to something called the Vastus Medialis muscle.


"This muscle is like the guardian of your knee. When it's strong, it keeps everything in place. But when it weakens..."


He explained how this critical muscle in my thigh had weakened over time, forcing my kneecap out of place.

With every step I took, my cartilage wears and tears and completely thins out.

When this happens, you feel pain when walking, sitting, or standing.

Here's where it gets tricky

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Our knees need movement to strengthen the Vastus Medialis because it realignes the knee structure and eliminates pain.


However, we both know… it’s near impossible to move around when your knees are aching.

That’s why Dr. Campbell created a product that strengthens this mucsle, imitates movement, and restores cartilage…

It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free.

He partnered with Cloudix, a leading U.S. biotech company, to develop a device that uses NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) - technology previously only available in expensive hospitals.


They call the product "Cloudix NMES Knee Brace".

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The Secret to the breakthrough Cloudix Brace is the NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation.

It's a technology that uses gentle electrical stimulation to contract and strengthen your Vastus Medialis and surrounding muscles, which helps stabilize the entire knee structure. 


It works by emitting targeted, low-level electrical impulses at a proven frequency that penetrate deep into your leg. 


These impulses cause your Vastus Medialis and surrounding muscles to alternate between contraction and relaxation... 


Creating a strengthening effect that can enhance blood flow and promote regeneration, which ultimately helps relieve the pain and stiffness in your knee.

All I had to do was slip it on my knee, press a button, and let it work its magic for 15 minutes.


The gentle electrical pulses would strengthen my Vastus Medialis muscle without any exercise or movement.


Studies showed these pulses could create muscle contractions 30-40% stronger than what you could achieve through exercise!

Cloudix NMES Knee Brace will allow you to return to daily walks, play tennis, do yoga, jog, get up and downstairs, and drive, completely free of knee pain.

I got 2 of them - 1 for each of my knees.


Now, I didn’t expect quick results. It took me years to develop this pain…


I knew it would take at least a few months to regain my old knees.


However, to my surprise...

Years of Pain, Embarrassment and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days

I can’t describe the relief I felt when I first put the Knee Brace on my achy knees.

And by the second week, my knees felt so much better.


I could easily climb a few flights of stairs.


Sitting in a chair didn't hurt at all.


And the best of all….I could finally sleep through the night!


I'm back to my morning walks with Jane.

My garden is flourishing again.


And next month, my husband and I are finally taking that dream vacation to Italy!


I feel this brace turned back time by at least 20 years.


I told all my friends about it.


And I am sharing this with you.



It’s Like Having a Personal Massage Therapist In Your Home, Available 24/7….without the price tag

Video Thumbnail

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…


Instead, every time I feel the slightest twinge or discomfort in my knees…


I slide Cloudix NMES Knee Brace on my knees, relax for 15 minutes, and the discomfort is gone…

After just 15 minutes of rest and bliss, I return to my chores and everyday living.


If it weren’t for the brace, I’d have to go for the surgery.


And you know how dangerous that is…


There are so many complications…


Months of therapy…


And I won’t even mention the cost.


Instead, John and I plan a trip to Europe for three months.


And rest assured, Cloudix brace is coming with us.


Because this device almost saved my life.


I wake up excited for the day.


I have more energy than I know what to do with.


And my garden is the best-looking in the entire neighborhood!


I can kneel for hours! No pain!


That's why I can’t recommend this brace enough. It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.


Over 93% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief...

However, don’t take my word for it…. Check out Cloudix's website, You'll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. Yet, at the last moment, they tried Cloudix NMES Knee Brace and never looked back.

You Don’t Deserve To Live a Life Filled With Discomfort And Pain!

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By the way, you don’t have to say yes to the brace just now.


All I’m suggesting is you give it a try. Try it on their dime. Try it for 90 days…


And if you don’t feel your pain disappearing within 90 days or sooner… You’ll get every penny back.


Just think about it…


10-sessions with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost close to $1000…


A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.


Plus, don’t forget the hundreds of dollars you spend on prescription medications every month…


Yet none of them will ever give you such a guarantee.


What an expensive gamble!


However, here’s Cloudix's promise:


If you use this Knee Brace for the next following 90 days for JUST 15 minutes a day!


It WILL get rid of knee pain, and it WILL allow you to live your life to the fullest again.

check availability

Think about how great it’ll feel to move without pain again.


To play with your grandchildren…


To spend time with your family…


And create memories with friends…


Cloudix gives you this gift of life. It’s yours for the taking.


And if not?


… If not, you will receive a 100% refund of every penny you invested.


If your stabbing knee pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief.


They will return 100 percent of your purchase price, no questions asked.


Simply get in touch with their responsive customer support team at


The way I look at it, there is nothing to lose.

check availability


4.8 | 1,897 Reviews

Cloudix NMES Foot Massager

  • Relieves knee pain naturally

    (no harsh painkillers)

  • Your personal physical therapist at home (money back in your pocket)

  • Adjustable massage intensity to suit capability

  • 90 days guarantee

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Home > Pain Relief > Cloudix NMES Knee Brace

How I Avoided Knee Surgery and Eliminated Knee Pain in Just 15 Minutes A Day…

Without Invasive Surgery, Expensive Visits to PT, Knee Injections, or Addictive Painkillers.

By Brooke Taylor | Dec 15, 2024 | 11:11 am EDT

Video Thumbnail

Every night, I wake up to throbbing knee pain.


Every night, I'd reach for the painkillers on my nightstand...


And then I wait…


I wait until the medicine kicks in…


And by that time, I’m fully awake and can’t get back to sleep.

So I lay there and think.


I think about how it’s unfair my life has become as dull as my chronic knee pain.

Finally Get Lasting Relief From Heel Pain and Swelling in Your Feet and Ankles.


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By Feature









Ever Since My Retirement, My Achy Knees Made My Life a Nightmare

I had to stop my morning walks with Jane, my best friend.


We used to walk together every day, but now she goes alone.


I used to love gardening in my backyard...


But now, if I get down on my knees, I need help getting back up.


It was so embarrassing that I stopped altogether.


Walking up stairs felt like climbing Mount Everest...


And the worst part?


My husband and I had always dreamed about traveling during retirement.


You know, when the kids are grown up and we finally have time...


Just the two of us.



My Achy Knees Killed This Dream On The Spot

Video Thumbnail

Not so long ago, John and I celebrated our 40th Anniversary.


We wanted to travel to Italy.


We'd walk the streets of Rome, eat pasta in Florence, and explore the Tuscan countryside...


I knew my knees could be a problem.

I started preparing early.  Just 15 minutes of walking each day to build up my strength.

Maybe I walked a little bit too much…

But one night, I woke up to my knees the size of a baseball.


The pain was unbearable.


We had to cancel the trip.


I was devastated.


I tried everything under the sun to get rid of pain. I was desperate. I wore knee sleeves every day. I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. I went to see a physical therapist.


And even though the swelling went away… The pain stayed. So we canceled the trip.


I was heartbroken.


John, seeing my spirits so low, took matters into his own hands.


One evening, when we were in bed, he told me about his friend who knew this doctor in Chicago.


Dr. Campbell was the best bone doctor in the country, and maybe he could help.


I agreed to go, but deep down, I was afraid my only option would be surgery.

“Avoid The Surgery At All Costs”

These were the exact words Dr. Campbell told us.


What a relief!


He assured me there was a way to avoid the invasive procedure and eliminate my chronic knee pain within the next 14 days.

“Of course, we are all different, and I can’t guarantee 100% results… But over the last decade, 3,000 people have walked out of this office pain-free.”

For The First Time In a Long Time, I Felt Hopeful.

“Let me show you something,” Dr. Campbell continued.


He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a weird-looking device.


“I’ll tell you what this magical device is in a moment.


However, first, you must understand why you have achy joints.


Most doctors don’t bother explaining anything and send you to an operating table.


I’m different. I want you to know your own body. So let’s take a look.”

Video Thumbnail

He showed me a diagram of the knee and pointed to something called the Vastus Medialis muscle.


"This muscle is like the guardian of your knee. When it's strong, it keeps everything in place. But when it weakens..."


He explained how this critical muscle in my thigh had weakened over time, forcing my kneecap out of place.

With every step I took, my cartilage wears and tears and completely thins out.

When this happens, you feel pain when walking, sitting, or standing.

Here's where it gets tricky

Video Thumbnail

Our knees need movement to strengthen the Vastus Medialis because it realignes the knee structure and eliminates pain.


However, we both know… it’s near impossible to move around when your knees are aching.

That’s why Dr. Campbell created a product that strengthens this mucsle, imitates movement, and restores cartilage…

It will allow you to get instant pain relief and move pain-free.

He partnered with Cloudix, a leading U.S. biotech company, to develop a device that uses NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) - technology previously only available in expensive hospitals.


They call the product "Cloudix NMES Knee Brace".

Video Thumbnail

The Secret to the breakthrough Cloudix Brace is the NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation.

It's a technology that uses gentle electrical stimulation to contract and strengthen your Vastus Medialis and surrounding muscles, which helps stabilize the entire knee structure. 


It works by emitting targeted, low-level electrical impulses at a proven frequency that penetrate deep into your leg. 


These impulses cause your Vastus Medialis and surrounding muscles to alternate between contraction and relaxation... 


Creating a strengthening effect that can enhance blood flow and promote regeneration, which ultimately helps relieve the pain and stiffness in your knee.

All I had to do was slip it on my knee, press a button, and let it work its magic for 15 minutes.


The gentle electrical pulses would strengthen my Vastus Medialis muscle without any exercise or movement.


Studies showed these pulses could create muscle contractions 30-40% stronger than what you could achieve through exercise!

Cloudix NMES Knee Brace will allow you to return to daily walks, play tennis, do yoga, jog, get up and downstairs, and drive, completely free of knee pain.

I got 2 of them - 1 for each of my knees.


Now, I didn’t expect quick results. It took me years to develop this pain…


I knew it would take at least a few months to regain my old knees.


However, to my surprise...

Years of Pain, Embarrassment and Isolation, Gone in Less Than 14 Days

I can’t describe the relief I felt when I first put the Knee Brace on my achy knees.

And by the second week, my knees felt so much better.


I could easily climb a few flights of stairs.


Sitting in a chair didn't hurt at all.


And the best of all….I could finally sleep through the night!


I'm back to my morning walks with Jane.

My garden is flourishing again.


And next month, my husband and I are finally taking that dream vacation to Italy!


I feel this brace turned back time by at least 20 years.


I told all my friends about it.


And I am sharing this with you.



It’s Like Having a Personal Massage Therapist In Your Home, Available 24/7….without the price tag

Video Thumbnail

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on appointments and waste hours driving to the office…


Instead, every time I feel the slightest twinge or discomfort in my knees…


I slide Cloudix NMES Knee Brace on my knees, relax for 15 minutes, and the discomfort is gone…

After just 15 minutes of rest and bliss, I return to my chores and everyday living.


If it weren’t for the brace, I’d have to go for the surgery.


And you know how dangerous that is…


There are so many complications…


Months of therapy…


And I won’t even mention the cost.


Instead, John and I plan a trip to Europe for three months.


And rest assured, Cloudix brace is coming with us.


Because this device almost saved my life.


I wake up excited for the day.


I have more energy than I know what to do with.


And my garden is the best-looking in the entire neighborhood!


I can kneel for hours! No pain!


That's why I can’t recommend this brace enough. It’ll eliminate pain in mere minutes.


Over 93% of Users Report Feeling Almost Instant Relief...

However, don’t take my word for it…. Check out Cloudix's website, You'll see thousands of people who were ready to give up on life and get the surgery…. Yet, at the last moment, they tried Cloudix NMES Knee Brace and never looked back.

You Don’t Deserve To Live a Life Filled With Discomfort And Pain!

Video Thumbnail

By the way, you don’t have to say yes to the brace just now.


All I’m suggesting is you give it a try. Try it on their dime. Try it for 90 days…


And if you don’t feel your pain disappearing within 90 days or sooner… You’ll get every penny back.


Just think about it…


10-sessions with a physical therapist, even with insurance, will cost close to $1000…


A massage therapist will cost the same amount, if not more.


Plus, don’t forget the hundreds of dollars you spend on prescription medications every month…


Yet none of them will ever give you such a guarantee.


What an expensive gamble!


However, here’s Cloudix's promise:


If you use this Knee Brace for the next following 90 days for JUST 15 minutes a day!


It WILL get rid of knee pain, and it WILL allow you to live your life to the fullest again.

Check availability

Think about how great it’ll feel to move without pain again.


To play with your grandchildren…


To spend time with your family…


And create memories with friends…


Cloudix gives you this gift of life. It’s yours for the taking.


And if not?


… If not, you will receive a 100% refund of every penny you invested.


If your stabbing knee pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief.


They will return 100 percent of your purchase price, no questions asked.


Simply get in touch with their responsive customer support team at


The way I look at it, there is nothing to lose.

Check availability

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Thanks for contacting us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  39 min

Mary Vernon

Hey...This little thing is fantastico! My knee constantly ache. This machine has taken care of that. This past year I have had severe knee pain due to fracturing my kneecap and then finding out I had patellar tendonitis along with my kneecap being slightly dislocated. This brace works awesome after a hard day on my feet. Hopefully it will help you too.

Like ·  Reply ·

7 ·  16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  51 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  1 h

Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  39 min

Mary Vernon

Hey...This little thing is fantastico! My knee constantly ache. This machine has taken care of that. This past year I have had severe knee pain due to fracturing my kneecap and then finding out I had patellar tendonitis along with my kneecap being slightly dislocated. This brace works awesome after a hard day on my feet. Hopefully it will help you too.

Like ·  Reply ·

7 ·  16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  51 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  1 h

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  24 min

Leonard Boyd

Bought this for my wife, who has had a botched knee replacement and a subsequent second surgery. She has been so uncomfortable for so many months. In only a couple of days she's walking much better.

Like ·  Reply ·

6 ·  1 h

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  24 min

Leonard Boyd

Bought this for my wife, who has had a botched knee replacement and a subsequent second surgery. She has been so uncomfortable for so many months. In only a couple of days she's walking much better.

Like ·  Reply ·

6 ·  1 h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive physical therapy sessions.

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  1 h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 business days.

Like ·  Reply ·

5 ·  2 h

Debra Peyton

I should have bought this earlier—it’s exactly what I needed for my knee pain. After just two days of using it, I can walk and move with minimal pain. I haven’t felt this good in the past two years!

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  3 h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  3 h

Sarah Dudley

Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits my knees comfortably. I like the size and how it feels on my knees. The vibration massage and heat can do work for my knees and helps a lot, especially for bad weather because it really reduced the discomfort and keeps me warm. 😇🔥

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  2 h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  3 h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like ·  Reply ·

8 ·  3 h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  4 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  1 h

Harry Keegan

Superb relaxation, it's not bulky, so you can take it anywhere, cheaper than other massager, does what it says. Many intensity options (up to 30). It's a great product with fast shipping! My wife loves it…

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  4 h

Bridget Prescott

Love this brace totally!

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  4 h

Emma Clarkson

I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I recently had Hip Replacement surgery (Jan 2022) after the surgery it was an success but my knee however was in severe pain due to nerve damage but this helped me out a lot. My knee is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  5 h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive physical therapy sessions.

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  1 h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 business days.

Like ·  Reply ·

5 ·  2 h

Debra Peyton

I should have bought this earlier—it’s exactly what I needed for my knee pain. After just two days of using it, I can walk and move with minimal pain. I haven’t felt this good in the past two years!

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  3 h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  3 h

Sarah Dudley

Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits my knees comfortably. I like the size and how it feels on my knees. The vibration massage and heat can do work for my knees and helps a lot, especially for bad weather because it really reduced the discomfort and keeps me warm. 😇🔥

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  2 h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like ·  Reply ·

4 ·  3 h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like ·  Reply ·

8 ·  3 h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like ·  Reply ·

1 ·  4 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  2 h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  1 h

Harry Keegan

Superb relaxation, it's not bulky, so you can take it anywhere, cheaper than other massager, does what it says. Many intensity options (up to 30). It's a great product with fast shipping! My wife loves it…

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  4 h

Bridget Prescott

Love this brace totally!

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  4 h

Emma Clarkson

I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I recently had Hip Replacement surgery (Jan 2022) after the surgery it was an success but my knee however was in severe pain due to nerve damage but this helped me out a lot. My knee is healed. Thank you to the company who made this.

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  5 h

Clara Milton

I absolutely love my massager, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  5 h

Kate Orson

OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

Like ·  Reply ·

5 ·  2 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight.

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  5 h

Clara Milton

I absolutely love my brace, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

Like ·  Reply ·

2 ·  5 h

Kate Orson

OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

Like ·  Reply ·

5 ·  2 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight.

Like ·  Reply ·

3 ·  5 h

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.


If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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